Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e
In the aftermath of a civil war between the Northern Union of Patria and the Southern Confederation of Patria, the North employs forbidden technology to create monstrous soldiers known as Incarnates. These powerful beings bring an end to the conflict, earning praise as heroes turned gods. However, as time passes, they are feared and labeled as Beasts for their formidable abilities. Hank, a former Incarnate captain, now roams as the Beast Hunter, tracking down his transformed comrades. Alongside him is Schaal, a young woman seeking vengeance for her father's death at the hands of an unknown assailant. Together, they unravel the dark truth behind the Incarnates' fall from grace and the sinister plot that set the Beasts free. Amidst this journey for redemption and justice, Hank confronts his own guilt for his past actions, leading him on a path fraught with consequences and revelations.