Uramichi Oniisan
In the colorful studio of the beloved children's program "Together with Mama," a group of somber adults masks their true feelings with bright smiles and cheery personas to entertain a group of innocent preschoolers. Amidst this facade is Uramichi Omota, a former gymnast who, despite the cameras rolling, can't resist shattering the illusions of childhood by exposing the harsh realities of adulthood. Behind the scenes, Uramichi's sought-after tranquility is disrupted by his two troublesome juniors, the show's rabbit and bear mascots and singers: Utano Tadano, a woman longing for marriage, and Iketeru Daga, a good-looking man with a crude sense of humor. Whether engaging in smoking breaks or delivering nihilistic rants, the dependable big brother figure Uramichi consistently interjects a dose of reality into his unconventional life lessons.