Giniro no Kami no Agito
In a post-apocalyptic world where forests have turned against humanity due to a genetic mishap, Agito resides in Neutral City with his father, surrounded by a fragile peace with the sentient woods. During a routine task, Agito stumbles upon a dormant girl, Toola Cm Sacl, locked in a mysterious device from the ancient era. Upon awakening Toola, Agito introduces her to his village, unaware of the girl's pivotal role in Earth's restoration. As dark intentions emerge to exploit Toola's abilities, led by the war-driven Shunack, she falls into their trap despite Agito's caution. Fueled by determination to rescue Toola and bridge the gap between mankind and the forest, Agito harnesses the forest's power to pursue her and alter their intertwined destinies.