Blood Lad
In the Eastern domain of Demon World, Staz Charlie Blood, a formidable vampire, is known as a ruthless creature. However, beneath the rumors lies a different truth - Staz is an otaku with a passion for Japanese culture and no interest in human blood. Entrusting his realm to his subordinates, Staz immerses himself in anime, manga, and games. His mundane existence takes a turn when Fuyumi Yanagi, a Japanese girl, stumbles into the demon realm accidentally. Initially thrilled by her presence, Staz soon faces a tragic event as his domain comes under attack, resulting in Fuyumi's abrupt demise and transformation into a ghost. Deeply saddened, Staz resolves to resurrect her, seeing it as a chance to reach the human world he has longed for. Joined by the spatial magician Bell and the half-werewolf Wolf, Staz embarks on a journey to locate a magical solution for reviving humans in 'Blood Lad'.