Macross Plus Movie Edition
In the year A.D. 2040, the aftermath of a historic clash between Earth and Zentraedi factions lingers, shaping destinies on planet Eden. Here, a secretive initiative named 'Supernova' unfolds to determine the future of U.N. Spacy's advanced variable fighter. Two contenders, Shinsei Industries' YF-19 and General Galaxy's YF-21, vie for crucial funding. Piloting the YF-21 is Guld Goa Bowman, a unique blend of human and Zentraedi heritage. On the other side, Shinsei welcomes its new test pilot, the rebellious Isamu Dyson, a former comrade of Guld. As Isamu and Guld engage in fierce rivalry to prove their fighter's prowess, a rising star in the form of the Virturoid Idol Sharon Apple prepares for her grand debut concert. Spearheading Sharon's career is the producer Myung Fang Lone, intricately linked to Isamu and Guld through shared history. When these intertwined destinies collide, old conflicts resurface, fueled by unresolved grievances. Unbeknownst to them, their intertwined pasts, the enigmatic Sharon Apple, and the Supernova Project hold the key to uniting their fates in unexpected ways.