Green Green
Kanenone Gakuen, an isolated all-boys school in rural Japan, faces a unique challenge due to the absence of female students nearby. To address this, a plan is set in motion to merge with the neighboring all-girls school and introduce co-education. Excitement brews among the boys at the prospect, while the girls are equally intrigued by the potential changes. A trial period begins as the girls move to Kanenone for a month, leading to comedic chaos as Yuusuke Takazaki and his mischievous roommates navigate interactions with the opposite sex. When the girls arrive, including the bold Midori Chitose who surprises Yuusuke with a sudden embrace, mysteries of their connection unravel. Amidst the hormonal frenzy, questions arise: is Yuusuke a natural charmer, or do hidden ties bind him and Midori together?