Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
Sorata Kanda finds himself in the Sakura-sou dormitory at Suimei High, a haven for the school's wildest troublemakers. Originally aiming to flee this chaotic environment, Sorata adapts to life with his unique dorm mates, from the lively animator Misaki and suave writer Jin to the mysterious recluse Ryuunosuke. Amidst the eccentricity, Sorata leans on his 'normal' friend Nanami for solace. When artistic prodigy Mashiro Shiina arrives, captivating Sorata with her beauty and exceptional talent, his focus shifts. Entrusted with caring for Mashiro, Sorata's initial escape plan fades as their bond deepens. Surrounded by brilliance in his peers, Sorata strives to find his own niche among them, navigating a world of friendship, love, and self-discovery. Sakura-sou no Pet na Kanojo weaves a touching narrative of growth and relationships, showcasing the beauty of ordinary life amidst extraordinary individuals.