Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita
Awakening to a new life as a sentient sword through reincarnation, the protagonist discovers a newfound ability in telekinesis. Roaming this unfamiliar realm, he hones diverse skills and powers. While traversing a monster-infested forest, the sword encounters Fran, a courageous young girl evading a creature. Witnessing Fran's valor, the sword is wielded by her to vanquish the foe. Embracing the name 'Shishou' from Fran, the duo embarks on an adventurer's journey. Despite Fran's affiliation with the Black Cat Tribe, a marginalized Beastkin clan, she aspires to shatter stereotypes and fulfill her parents' aspirations of evolution. Pledged to aid Fran until she achieves her ambitions, Shishou and Fran forge an indomitable alliance marked by unwavering determination.