City Hunter
In the bustling streets of Tokyo, the infamous crew known as City Hunter, distinguished by their code name 'XYZ,' fearlessly undertakes any task, dedicated to purging the city of its criminal elements. At the core of this group is the sharp-witted Ryou Saeba, armed with his reliable Colt Python and unparalleled precision, partnered with the spirited Kaori Makimura. Together, they navigate through complex cases and confront the perils inherent in their line of work. Beyond their crime-fighting endeavors, Ryou's penchant for pursuing attractive women provides a lighthearted contrast, much to the chagrin of Kaori who wields a colossal hundred-ton hammer. From petty thieves to illicit arms traders and organized crime rings, no obstacle can thwart Ryou Saeba when he sets his sights on the next mission.