


Yoshimura Sumimura hails from a prestigious line of 'Kekkaishi,' possessing mystical powers to vanquish malevolent beings known as Ayakashi intruding into the human realm sporadically. These demons seek to devour the energy flowing from the Karasumori land, coincidentally where Yoshimura's high school stands. Tasked with safeguarding his cherished school and hometown, Yoshimura finds himself torn between battling these grotesque apparitions at night and his true passion for baking cakes. Luckily, he finds an ally in his childhood friend and neighbor, Tokine Yukimura, despite their clans' historical rivalry. Together, they form a formidable duo, emphasizing the importance of teamwork in combating the encroaching darkness as the Ayakashi launch relentless assaults to claim the territory as their own. Meanwhile, a mysterious organization lurks in the shadows, poised to strike at the opportune moment...

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