Dog Days''
In the third installment of Dog Days, Cinque Izumi, Nanami Takatsuki, and Rebecca Anderson return to the continent of Flonyard for the friendly war games among the three allied nations: Biscotti Republic, Galette, and Pastillage. Cinque, the hero of Biscotti and cousin to Galette's hero Nanami, teams up with Rebecca, the hero of Pastillage and a close friend, for this adventure. The journey begins in the human world, with Rebecca preparing to return to Pastillage from Japan. Meanwhile, Cinque and Nanami, traveling from England, face unexpected obstacles when a bolt of lightning diverts their path to the Dragon Forest. Protected by the Dragon Priestess Sharu, they learn of a looming demon threat endangering not only the forest but all of Flonyard. As the specter of war looms, can these three heroes band together to protect the continent from the encroaching darkness?