A year has passed since Shiro, known as the Silver King, vanished without a trace. Kurou Yatogami and Neko tirelessly search for him, leading them to an encounter with former members of the disbanded Red Clan HOMRA—Rikio Kamamoto and Anna Kushina—being hunted by the Green Clan. The Green Clan seeks Anna's unique abilities for their own gain. Scepter 4, along with Kurou and Neko, are tasked with rescuing Anna, the last female member of the Red Clan, from the Green Clan's clutches to potentially locate Shiro through her powers. As tensions rise, a power struggle ensues as the Green Clan threatens the domain of the Gold King. In K: Missing Kings, the next installment of the K Project, the narrative unfolds further, delving into the intricate psychic warfare among seven kings. Each character faces personal challenges following the demise of their respective Kings.