Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou
In the depths of Tokyo, a sinister presence stirs. Tatsuma Hiyuu, a reserved high school senior, enrolls at Magami Academy and befriends the rebellious Kyouichi Houraiji. Their circle expands to include Yuuya Daigo, Komaki Sakurai, and Aoi Misato after a fateful encounter disrupts the arcane flow of energy, awakening supernatural abilities in them. Guided by Hisui Kisaragi, they realize their duty to protect Tokyo from demons and dark forces. As they confront malevolent beings and uncover a plot involving the Dark Arts, the friends must confront not only external threats but also their own inner demons and intertwined destinies. This anime, adapted from a manga inspired by a Nintendo game, delves into the intertwined fates of these unlikely heroes as they face a resurfacing ancient evil.