Meikyuu Monogatari
Manie-Manie: Meikyuu Monogatari is a collection of three captivating tales crafted by renowned directors Rintaro, Yoshiaki Kawajiri, and Katsuhiro Otomo. In 'Labyrinth Labyrinthos,' Sachi and her cat, Cicerone, tumble into a perplexing maze after a search gone awry, trailing a mysterious clown's shadow into the unknown. 'Running Man' unfolds the story of Bob Stone, a journalist investigating the enigmatic racer Zack Hugh, whose mastery in a lethal car race has taken a toll on his very being. Witness the test of endurance as man and machine collide in a high-stakes competition. 'The Order to Stop Construction' follows the journey of salaryman Tsutomo Sugioka as he ventures into a perilous jungle to halt a project gone awry. Confronted by rogue construction robots and a defiant chief, Tsutomo must devise a cunning strategy to avert financial disaster and chaos.