Gokukoku no Brynhildr
A decade ago, Ryouta Murakami embarked on a quest with his dear friend Kuroneko to unveil extraterrestrial existence. A tragic mishap claimed Kuroneko's life and left Ryouta wounded. In memory of Kuroneko, Ryouta now gazes at the starry heavens, resolute to validate his friend's belief in aliens. His convictions waver when a new student, Kuroha Neko, enters his life, bearing an uncanny resemblance to the departed Kuroneko. Despite Kuroha's denial of their connection, peculiarities surround her: excelling in a tough test but stumbling with basic math, wielding unearthly strength, and harboring prophetic abilities. As Kuroha saves Ryouta with superhuman prowess, he delves into her enigmatic world, unearthing a realm of fabricated witches and mystique. Grappling with the clash between science and the supernatural, Ryouta confronts the unsettling truth that Kuroha possesses a formidable power coveted by malevolent entities.