Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu
In a slightly altered reality, Yuki Nagato, a reserved bibliophile and gamer, leads the North High School Literary Club alongside her friends Ryouko Asakura and the unremarkable Kyon. Despite their small numbers, Yuki cherishes the quiet moments shared with Kyon, for whom she harbors a secret admiration. The club's routine is disrupted when two contrasting personalities, Tsuruya and Mikuru Asahina, start frequenting their meetings. One chilly December evening, Yuki's peaceful routine is interrupted by Haruhi Suzumiya, an eccentric Kouyouen Academy student with a penchant for hunting aliens, time travelers, and espers. Haruhi enlists Yuki and her friends into her quest, joining the Literary Club and assuming a leadership role. As the once-serene clubroom transforms into a hub of chaos, Yuki finds herself entangled in Haruhi's whims, leading to a string of unpredictable escapades that draw her closer to Kyon in unexpected ways.