Seiken Tsukai no World Break
Set at Akane Private Academy, Seiken Tsukai no World Break follows students with memories of past lives training in Ancestral Arts to protect against Metaphysical monsters. Divided into kurogane wielders of offensive weapons and kuroma masters of magic, these 'saviors' face a looming threat. The protagonist, Moroha Haimura, encounters Satsuki Ranjou who claims a sibling bond from a previous life where Moroha was a valiant prince. Soon, Shizuno Urushibara discloses a dark past where Moroha, once a malevolent sorcerer, saved her from enslavement. Can these dual-existence individuals forge a promising future amidst their intertwined fates? Explore the intricate saga of Seiken Tsukai no World Break to uncover the answer.