When facing dire financial straits due to his parents' debt, Arikawa Hime finds unexpected salvation from the Shimoshina High School student council. In exchange for erasing his debt, Hime is roped into the council's ranks as a charming girl. Embracing this new persona, Hime navigates high school life swathed in French maid attire, fulfilling his role as the council's loyal 'pet.' Amidst the chaos, surrounded by indulgent and mischievous female council members, Hime's world expands with amusing antics and peculiar alliances. Yet, amidst the whirlwind, his supportive cross-dressing brother and an unexpected disciplinary committee leader add further layers of absurdity to Hime's transformed reality. The tangled web of cross-dressing escapades unravels, painting a picture of comedic chaos and unexpected camaraderie in Hime's unconventional high school journey.