Majimoji Rurumo
Shibaki, a high-school boy fixated on girls, gains a notorious reputation as the school's biggest pervert, causing the girls to shun him. One fateful day, he stumbles upon a witch-summoning book in the library and decides to give it a try for fun. To his surprise, a novice witch named Rurumo materializes to fulfill his wish. In a twist of fate, Shibaki aids Rurumo, leading her to spare his soul. As the tale unfolds, Shibaki yearns to reunite with Rurumo and, miraculously, she reappears before him. However, due to her failure to claim his soul, Rurumo is demoted to an apprentice demon and tasked with helping Shibaki exhaust 666 magic tickets that hold wish-granting powers to regain her witch status. Unbeknownst to Rurumo, each ticket used hastens Shibaki's demise, a revelation disclosed by Rurumo's enigmatic black cat familiar, Chiro, as part of their ominous pact. Now faced with a crucial decision, Shibaki must weigh the consequences of utilizing the tickets to assist Rurumo in reclaiming her former identity or resist the allure of wishes to safeguard his own life.