Akagami no Shirayuki-hime
In the land of Tanbarun, Shirayuki, a vibrant red-haired girl known as 'snow white,' toils as an apothecary in a quaint herbal shop. Her tranquil existence shatters when the frivolous Prince Raji sets his sights on her, demanding she join his harem. Refusing to surrender her autonomy, Shirayuki severs her crimson locks and flees to the woods. Salvation comes in the form of Zen Wistalia, the neighboring realm's second prince, and his devoted companions. Determined to repay their kindness, Shirayuki aspires to serve as the royal herbalist in Zen's domain, Clarines. 'Akagami no Shirayuki-hime' follows Shirayuki's evolution in Clarines' regal court and Zen's pursuit of princely valor. Amidst alliances and adversaries, Shirayuki and Zen discover mutual support on their divergent paths, weaving a tale of enduring camaraderie and personal growth.