Within the Martian colony Fourth Tokyo, A-TEC, a group of brilliant minds at Kirishina Corporation, led by prodigy engineer Kaito Sera, eagerly awaits the arrival of their new member. However, the transfer student, Nagisa Kiryuu, shocks them all as the newly appointed chief sent to dismantle their program. To save their classroom, Kaito and his students strive to create a successor to their top rocket, the X-2, while Nagisa pursues his own agenda within the corporation. As tensions rise, secrets within Kirishina Corporation emerge, drawing Kaito, Nagisa, Kaito's sister Mizuki, and pilot Iris Shirasaki into a web of politics, mystery, and unexpected romance. Amidst corporate intrigue and personal struggles, bonds strengthen and truths come to light as they unite to overcome the challenges threatening their classroom.