Magi: Sinbad no Bouken
In the humble Tison Village within the Parthevia Empire, a boy named Sinbad is born to the battle-weary Badr and his compassionate wife Esra. His arrival signals a profound shift in magical energies, marking him as the prophesied 'Child of Destiny.' Despite his nation's struggles with poverty and war's aftermath, Sinbad enjoys a joyous childhood until a stranger disrupts his peace, leading to tragedy. Years later, enigmatic structures known as 'dungeons' emerge worldwide, tempting adventurers with untold power and treasures, yet none return. Now a spirited 14-year-old, Sinbad, driven by his past and his father's guidance, yearns to explore beyond his home. Destiny intertwines his path with the mysterious Yunan, who points him towards a dungeon promising the 'king's power' crucial for his ambitions. Magi: Adventure of Sinbad chronicles Sinbad's quest for greatness, as he voyages, gains allies, and seeks the strength to reign as the High King of the Seven Seas.