Enthralled by the Fairies Story game series since childhood, Aoba Suzukaze lands a job at Eagle Jump after high school, the very studio behind her beloved game. Assigned to work on the latest installment, Fairies Story 3, she finds herself under the tutelage of Kou Yagami, the esteemed lead character designer. Surrounded by like-minded game enthusiasts in her department, including monster design specialist Yun Iijima, shy communicator Hifumi Takimoto, figurine aficionado Hajime Shinoda, meticulous art director Rin Tooyama, feline-loving game director Shizuku Hazuki, and the fiery head programmer Umiko Ahagon, Aoba embarks on a journey through the intricate world of game development. From crafting impeccable character designs to troubleshooting the inevitable hiccups along the way, New Game! chronicles their collective pursuit of excellence amidst the challenges of game creation.