Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari
Leaving the urban chaos of Tokyo behind, Souta Tawara returns to his Kagawa hometown, where memories of his family's udon restaurant and childhood flood back. Inside the familiar eatery, he stumbles upon a mysterious dirty boy asleep. Initially dismissing it, Souta extends kindness by feeding and clothing the boy, only to witness a startling transformation as the child reveals tanuki features. Embracing the truth that the boy is the rumored shapeshifting tanuki, Souta warmly adopts him as Poko, a companion in an otherwise solitary existence. Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari delves into the heartfelt bond between Souta and Poko, navigating through nostalgia, family ties, and rediscovering lost connections in a tender tale of companionship and self-reflection.