Fate/EXTRA Last Encore
Tsukimihara Academy, a deceptive haven concealing a dark secret, becomes the battleground for the forthcoming Holy Grail War. Orchestrated by the Moon Cell computer, this artificial school harbors souls projected from Earth possessing the potential to be Masters. Out of the 256 souls, only half will be selected to participate in the main competition and receive a Servant. Once the Masters are determined, the Academy initiates a ruthless purge to eliminate the remaining entities. Amidst this chaos, Hakuno Kishinami awakens amidst a pool of blood, defying death's embrace. Driven by a newfound hatred, he resolves to fight for his existence. In a desperate moment, Hakuno discovers a crimson blade embedded in the ground; upon drawing it forth, he summons his Servant, Saber, who swiftly dispatches his assailant amidst a shower of rose petals. Empowered by this unexpected alliance, Hakuno embarks on a perilous journey towards the core of Moon Cell, known as the Angelica Cage. There, he seeks answers to the enigmatic nature of this fabricated realm and unravels the mysteries shrouding his own blood-stained past.