Fudanshi Koukou Seikatsu
comedyslice of life
Ryou Sakaguchi, a typical high school student with an unconventional interest, enjoys indulging in 'boys' love' manga as a fudanshi. Yearning for friends who share his passion, Sakaguchi's wish is granted when he meets like-minded individuals. From the closeted fujoshi Rumi Nishihara to the openly gay Yuujirou Shiratori, leader of the school's cooking club, and his devoted admirer Akira Ueda, each character adds a unique flair to the otaku-filled chaos. Accompanied by his best friend Toshiaki Nakamura, who craves normalcy amidst the eccentricity, Sakaguchi navigates a world where his love for boys' love finds camaraderie and understanding.