Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan
Sakura Kusakabe, a typical junior high student, finds himself entangled in a peculiar situation—he is destined to commit a heinous act two decades later. His future crime entails halting women's aging at 12, inadvertently granting them immortality. To prevent this catastrophic future, an angel named Dokuro Mitsukai is dispatched to eliminate Sakura with her enchanted spiked bat, Excalibolg. Surprisingly, Dokuro chooses a different tactic; she torments Sakura persistently to derail his focus from inventing the technology behind his crime. Despite going against her orders, another angel named Sabato is deployed to ensure Sakura's fate. With Dokuro's impulsive nature leading to Sakura's untimely demise followed by revival through the chant 'Pipiru piru piru pipiru pi,' and Sabato wielding an electric baton, Sakura's once ordinary life spirals into chaos and unpredictability.