Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi
In the realm of high school, Ookami Ryouko stands out with her bold and somewhat masculine demeanor, excelling in combat skills and towering stature. Her petite, high-pitched friend, Akai Ringo, complements her in an unexpected duo. Together, they belong to the Otogi Bank at Otogi High School, where students exchange favors to tackle each other's dilemmas—a unique system akin to borrowing solutions that must be repaid in kind. Led by a Narrator with a penchant for pointing out their lack of curves, the club fearlessly tackles any challenge, risking peril and chaos in the process. To balance the predominantly female roster, the club welcomes Morino Ryoushi, a shy young man with a fear of eyes, who joins after a heartfelt confession to Ookami.