Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu
For a century and a half, a fierce interstellar conflict has raged between the authoritarian Galactic Empire and the struggling Free Planets Alliance, embroiling countless ships and soldiers in its turmoil. Amidst the decay of the ruling Goldenbaum dynasty and the Alliance's wavering democracy, two exceptional leaders emerge: the Empire's Admiral Reinhard von Lohengramm and the Alliance's Yang Wen-Li. Reinhard, fueled by a deep-seated vendetta against the Kaiser, rises from humble origins to challenge the aristocracy, while Wen-Li, an intellectual thrust into military life for education, showcases tactical brilliance with an air of reluctance. Surrounded by a cadre of talented comrades, they ignite a rivalry that will rupture the status quo. Navigating treacherous political landscapes, commanding troops, and forging strategies, these contrasting figures reshape the course of the monumental conflict, each facing profound transformations amidst the crucible of war. 'Legend of the Galactic Heroes' unfolds as a grand, introspective saga of military prowess in the vast expanse of space, with its 110-episode OVA serving as the cornerstone of a rich narrative tapestry.