Hetalia World Series
Continuing the legacy of the initial seasons, the third and fourth installments of the Hetalia Axis Powers anime delve into the whimsical world inspired by Himaruya Hidekaz's online webcomics. This anime adaptation, rooted in the renowned web-released manga series by Hidekazu Himaruya, unfolds a satirical narrative within the backdrop of pre-World War era Europe (1915-1939). Through a cast of charming and exaggerated characters representing various nationalities, including comedic bishōnen renditions, the story weaves a tapestry of quirky humor. From Italia Veneziano's passion for pasta and romance to the Deutsche bishōnen's fondness for potatoes and sausages, and Nippon's portrayal as an enthusiastic otaku, each character adds a unique flavor to the ensemble. Spanning timelines from ancient history to contemporary geopolitics, the manga cleverly juxtaposes different eras. The title itself, a fusion of 'hetare' meaning 'useless' in Japanese and 'Italia,' captures the essence of this playful and unconventional series.