Seitokai Yakuindomo
Embarking on his high school journey at the formerly all-girls Ousai Private Academy, Takatoshi Tsuda encounters the student council president Shino Amakusa, who recruits him as the vice president due to the need for a male perspective with the school's transitioning dynamics. Despite his initial reluctance, Takatoshi is thrust into the council's eccentric world even before setting foot in the school. Within this council, he discovers the peculiarities of his colleagues: the seemingly prim and proper President Shino harbors a salacious side, indulging in lewd humor; the secretary Aria Shichijou, though appearing as a typical rich girl, matches the president in audacity; and the treasurer Suzu Hagimura, though appearing young, struggles with her petite stature. As Takatoshi navigates this whirlwind of sexual innuendos and absurdity, he must adapt to a chaotic new role amidst this colorful ensemble.