


In a distant future, humanity faces relentless attacks from alien invaders called Novas, leaving destruction in their wake during the dreaded Nova Clashes. To combat this threat, young women called 'Pandoras' and young men called 'Limiters' are enhanced with stigmata, granting them extraordinary abilities. Trained in military academies, they must cooperate to stand a chance against the Novas. Freezing follows Kazuya Aoi as he enters West Genetics military academy amidst a Pandora battle royale. Mistaking the formidable Pandora Satellizer el Bridget for his late sister, Kazuya inadvertently alters the course of the fight. Surprisingly, Satellizer is unaffected by his touch and chooses him as her Limiter. As they navigate challenges from their peers and prepare for the looming Nova threat, the duo must weather the storm together, wondering if their bond can endure the trials ahead.

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