Fresh off a grueling victory in an underground tournament, Baki Hanma sets his sights on challenging his own father, Yuujirou, renowned as the world's mightiest man. Yet, rest eludes him as Tokugawa Mitsunari, the tournament organizer, pays him a surprise visit at school. Tokugawa discloses a chilling revelation to Baki: five deadly death row inmates, masters of combat from various corners of the globe, have broken free and are en route to Tokyo with a singular desire—to taste defeat. With a stark warning that Baki, due to his unmatched prowess, will inevitably cross paths with these adversaries, Tokugawa cautions that the young fighter isn't their sole target. Drawing from the initial arc of the series' second manga installment, 'Baki' delves into a fierce clash between Japan's revered martial artists and the shadowy underworld's formidable combatants.