Konohana Kitan
Embarking on her first job at the enchanting Konohanatei inn in a lively spirit village, the cheerful fox girl Yuzu faces the challenge of mastering the art of hospitality despite her lack of experience. With the help of Kiri, the welcoming head attendant, Yuzu navigates the complexities of her new role, bringing a whimsical charm to the inn that endears her to both guests and colleagues. Guided by a diverse group of fox companions—Satsuki, Natsume, Ren, and Sakura—Yuzu's journey unfolds as she embraces the magical realm around her, learning not only the duties of an attendant but also the profound connections that form in this mystical world. Konohana Kitan beautifully captures the heartening narrative of a young fox girl as she forges friendships and discovers a sense of belonging in a breathtakingly mysterious spirit realm.