Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens
Beneath the seemingly tranquil facade of Fukuoka lies a bustling underworld teeming with assassins, detectives, and seekers of vengeance. Zenji Banba, a perceptive and nonchalant detective, delves into the activities of various hitmen groups in the city. Unbeknownst to him, Xianming Lin, a crossdressing hitman dissatisfied with his current employer's treatment, grows disillusioned after a failed assignment. When his organization shortchanges him for a completed contract, Lin seeks retribution by targeting Banba, viewed as a hindrance by the company. However, their anticipated confrontation takes an unexpected turn when Lin proposes an alliance instead of eliminating Banba. Confronted with this unanticipated offer, what decision will Banba make, and what schemes lie ahead as they navigate the treacherous underworld of Fukuoka?