Special edition manga volumes include exclusive OVAs expanding the Fairy Tail universe. In 'Welcome to Fairy Hills!' Lucy responds to a peculiar request leading her to Fairy Hills, the female dormitory, where she encounters Hilda seeking a 'shining treasure.' Meanwhile, Natsu and guildmates engage in pool cleaning. 'Fairy Academy: Yankee-kun and Yankee-chan' reimagines Fairy Tail characters in a school environment, inspired by Miki Yoshikawa's work. 'Memory Days,' a Hiro Mashima original, delves into Natsu's hidden past through time-travel with the guild. 'Fairy Camp' follows Natsu, Lucy, and friends during a Grand Magic Games training camp, featuring beach and hot spring relaxation. Lastly, 'Heart-Pounding Ryuuzetsu Land' captures the chaos and amusement at the pool during the Grand Magic Games gathering.